Quick Start
A brief overview of how to start using the bot.
How to add your Time Zone
Users can visit https://untimely.xyz/tz to add their time zone to Untimely automatically (This will grab your systems local time, and is typically the most accurate), or use the /timezone command. Or, they can manually specify by clicking the appropriate button and typing a time zone in the prompting modal.
Slash Commands
Displays helpful information on how to use the bot. This command should be run whenever the bot is added to a discord server.
/autoconvert state: {Auto, React, Off}
By default, this is set to React when the bot joins your server. Untimely will read messages, and if the message contains an expression of time, it will create a discord timestamp for each time mentioned inside the message.
Auto: Untimely will automatically reply when its detected.
React: Untimely will leave an emoji on a message it detects time in, and wait until someone in the server clicks on that reaction.
Off: Untimely will only respond to manual flags of "$time" to convert messages.
/timestamp describe: {ex: Saturday at 6pm}
Available everywhere. This takes a sentence as an input and will use natural language processing to create a timestamp for you, and responds with an ephemeral message (only you can see) with the timestamps. You can then copy and paste them as need for an announcement or whatever purpose you need them for.
/time user: {discord user} time:{ex: 5pm}
Available everywhere. This command will return the current local time for the targeted user. If that user has not added their time zone within Untimely, it will let the user who called the command know.
using /time without giving a user will display your current local time.
This command takes an optional second parameter called time. When specified, it will convert the time specified, to your local time. Selecting yourself as an argument for this parameter will cause a bug saying "not a valid user" on mobile devices. Instead, use /time with no user argument given.
/sensitivity level: {High, Low}
This command has been removed: This changes how sensitive the trigger is, for when the bot will react to a message containing a time. High means it is more sensitive to expression of time, low means it is less sensitive.
/privacy state: {Enable, Disable}
Turns Privacy Mode on or off. When enabled, users cannot use the /time command against you, and autoconversion will react with a greyscale untimely logo emote, showing that a time was detected, but the user has Privacy Mode enabled.
/timezone timezone: {Like EST, CST, etc...} friend: @user
Requires an argument of time zone. If a friend is not specified, this sets your own time zone. If a friend is specified, this will set their time zone. Note: A user can only have their time zone set by another person, when there is no time zone set for them. As soon as one is, the only user that can change it, is that person their self.
/format format:{Short time, Short date time, Long date time} relative:{On, Off}
This command takes 1 required argument "format" and 1 optional argument "relative". This allows a discord server to set their preferred timestamp format when the bot responds to messages. If you specify relative On, the bot will also include the relative timestamp difference with the detected datetime. Selecting off will remove it.
Commands (Non Slash Commands)
These are only available within discord servers.
This command can be placed anywhere inside of a message, and will let the bot know that you want a time within that message to be converted. Ex: "I can't play till 5pm $time", "$time I'll be on at 8am".
using $time as the only content of a message will let Untimely know to check your previous message for a time. (this is for convenience incase you forgot to add $time to that message)
Note: This command usually is not necessary when a discord server has /autoconvert on.
$time welcome
This command can be used inside of a discord server, and will display the discord servers welcome message again, if it is needed. This command will be removed in a near future update.
Last updated